Who we are

OUR Mission

Building People, Building Families, Building the Kingdom

OUR Vision

Our goal is to give hope to all people, showing love by meeting their needs spiritually, physically, and emotionally. We want to empower families by providing resources and events so they can become stronger. We exist to see the Great Commission fulfilled through prayer and obedience by stepping out in evangelism and proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ.


We are an Assemblies of God church that has 16 doctrines that are considered our “Statement of Fundamental Truths.

OUR history

Pastor Doug Lowery with his wife Rosemary felt a call from God to move to Decatur, IL from California to plant a new church. Maranatha Assembly of God Church began on
January 8, 1978. There were 38 people present that first snowy Sunday where they met in the Hotel Orlando. They quickly grew in attendance and by the end of December 1980 they purchased the former Riverside Baptist Church facility on Jasper Street. Their first Sunday in the new facility was on March 17th, 1980. There were 400 worshippers there at that first service. Throughout the next months and years many found Christ as their Lord and Savior.

As the Lord continued to bless Maranatha, the church purchased 23 ½ acres of land in 1982 at their current location on Imboden Drive. They started on the first building phase, the gymnatorium and on Labor Day Weekend 1984 Maranatha moved into its new home. This area served the church well for the next several years. As the church continued to grow, multiple services and staff were added. It was once again time to start building. The second phase of construction began in 1990 for the sanctuary we still worship in today. On October 30th, 1994, the formal dedication service was held.

As of today, thousands of people have called Maranatha their church home. Pastors Doug and Rosemary Lowery are still leading the church with the same passion as when they started in 1978. We praise God for His faithfulness and look forward with expectancy to what lies ahead in the days to come for Maranatha Assembly of God Church.